Many Wisconsin teachers have expressed concern about how support for music education may look post-pandemic. WMEA is offering an advocacy summit on February 16, 2021 from 6:30-8:30pm to support educators with tools and resources for local conversation about 2021-22 student needs, allocation, scheduling, and resources. Educators and administrators from across the state will share effective strategies as we collectively ensure music is part of a well-rounded education for all Wisconsin students. Presenters will also share considerations for longer-term pandemic impacts and how timely action may support students and families for years to come. Register at:
Summit Presenters: Carolyn Atwell, Lizzy Cichowski, Laurie Fellenz, Amy Meyer, Holly Prast, Katie Prihoda, Leyla Sanyer, Brad Schneider, Justin Steger, Jacki Thering, Kristin Valentin