Arts Wisconsin
Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054 (mailing)
451 N. Few St., Madison, WI 53703 (office)
Telephone: (608) 335-7909
Home Page: https://www.artswisconsin.org/
Resources Page(s): https://www.artswisconsin.org/resources/
Organization Description: Creativity, innovation, imagination and entrepreneurship are key to Wisconsin’s recovery, re-emergence, and revitalization. Arts Wisconsin is a collaborative economic and community development statewide organization working in partnership as a cross-sector catalyst to strengthen and grow creative sector capacity in every corner of Wisconsin. Arts Wisconsin’s work is based on a collective impact model to deliver capacity-building, strategic partnerships, economic, workforce, and community development, social justice and equity, and creative placemaking and placekeeping to people, organizations, businesses and communities. in every corner of the state.
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